Dahlonega Weather Tuesday PM Update

Good evening everyone. 

Flashlight snow is upon us.  Lol.  Yes this stuff isn’t even floodlight worthy.  So get your flashlight and go outside and shine it up and just maybe you will spot some flakes.  I knew the precip was going to be light but this is ridiculous.  

I’m not expecting much more than a dusting around Lumpkin.  Up to inch is possible for areas north and west and way south towards Atlanta southward.  There could be icy spots around in the morning as temps have fallen below freezing and will continue to fall into the  upper teens   This just isn’t our snow event and never really was.  

Expect the snow, if you can call it that to last until about 3-4 am before it tapers off and moves east.  There could be a few periods where is does actually fall a little harder but it’s just not going to amount to much accumulation.  Sorry about that. 

Any who, enjoy what we do get and bundle up Wednesday because we are stuck with highs below freezing and windy. 


33 thoughts on “Dahlonega Weather Tuesday PM Update

    1. Irish Dave

      I would probably have used bourbon but I think rum is what the recipe actually calls for.
      If you’re determined to go the Mexican route, however, Mezcal is probably best.

  1. Charlotte McKinney Eaton

    I was born in Georgia and lived in Georgia all my life.. and we have had our quota for snow this winter, I like a snow or two.. that’s a good winter growing up as a kid. But please look up spring now! thank you! 😉

  2. Irish Dave

    That’s exactly how I was checking if anything was coming down last night. I think the intense heat given off by my tiny flashlight was enough to melt the snow before it hit the ground.

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