Dahlonega Winter Storm Update Friday 1030p

Wow what an amazing storm so far!  I told y’all my biggest concern was busting by not going higher on the snow.  Lol.   I have 5.25 inches on the ground just north of town of Porter Springs Rd.  My rule of thumb is to almost always slice the guidance predicted snowfall in half because something always goes wrong.  Well this time not a whole lot went wrong.  Ha ha.  And we got this snow without ever hitting freezing (those of us below 2000 feet).  

Did y’all like round 2?   Wow just wow…it was snowing golf balls.  It was AMAZING!!!  Well we are in a short break now but round 3 is right around the corner.  More snow is developing back in Alabama and will be tracking NE across northern Georgia the rest of the night.  The image is model guidance of what the radar may look like at 4 am Saturday.  Expect another 1-2 additional inches from round 3.

So when does this all end and what does the weekend look light?   Good question you ask there.  The snow should finally move out around 7-8am Saturday.  That means it will have snowed for 24 hours.  Incredible!!!   Then expect sunny skies Saturday and Sunday with highs only in the 30s.  

Roads are probably going to be sketchy Saturday morning but I would expect that to be remedied with sun by noon for the most part.  

How much have you received so far and where are you located?


37 thoughts on “Dahlonega Winter Storm Update Friday 1030p

  1. Brian Sanchez

    so, we left for SF this morning and are getting back saturday evening.

    we live up past the reservoir by frog town road in dahlonega. Should we even bother trying to drive back home saturday?

  2. Laurie Davis

    I am out of state and missed all this. Actually in Chicago…no snow. Flying in late afternoon tomorrow. Do you think I will be okay driving home from North Springs on 400? Thanks!

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