Quick Update

This line of severe storms back in Alabama is supposed to weaken and disappear before it gets here.  Our chance comes tomorrow morning but I’m not expecting severe weather. 

20 thoughts on “Quick Update

    1. Michelle J Ravan

      I’ve been in 2 tornado’s. I also suffer from weather related anxiety. So when a front comes in with a past that has caused destruction such as this one did, yes… very glad to see it weaken. I don’t care for severe weather of any type.

    2. Irish Dave

      I am from Ireland. We have the highest recorded wind speeds in Europe.
      I knew there was the possibility of tornadoes when I settled here.
      You just implied that I enjoy people having their homes and lives torn apart…..

    3. Irish Dave

      Maybe you need to move to somewhere where there is no possibility of this happening again and maybe no possibility of you verbally attacking people on a site that is designed to warn people about incoming weather.
      You definitely don’t need to be using such a site to personally attack other members.

    4. Irish Dave

      Well I guess she blocked me.
      Jason, I apologize wholeheartedly for my part in that silliness.
      I just happen to enjoy moderately crazy weather. Apparently that makes me a bad person in some people’s eyes.
      Crazy weather just happens to be a part of life where I come from .
      Haha I don’t wish it on people…

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